King John’s Castle Odiham

King John's Castle

Early in the year 2004 we would often visit King John’s castle or Odiham castle as it is also known. Sometimes we would go just as the Sun was setting and other times late into the night.

I had read about a Minstrel that had been seen and heard in the area a few times and another tale of prison workers being seen who were tied together working on the canal that now cuts through the moat.

During excavations of the site the remains of horses were found and a sword was discovered in the inner moat. Over time it has been held under siege by the French and the castle was said to be one of the last places King John had stayed before he went to sign the Magna Carta. Another famous name David the Bruce II, son of Robert, was held prisoner there as well.

When we went it was one of those days when the sun was setting but the light was still good. It was cold but we were not creating any mist with our breath that was visible, to our eyes at least.

The picture I took below looks like it might be mist or breath but I was on my own and was in the habit of holding my breath back then as I knew it can cause a clouds to appear in the picture.

So it might be mist from the canal or might be something else. We didn’t get any other pictures like it that day and we took a few to try and replicate the effect by breathing.

King John's Castle
King John’s Castle